DEFT® Interior Clear Brushing Lacquer


Gallon/3.78 L (01), Quart/946 mL (04), 5 Gallons/18.9 L (05), Pint/473 mL (08), 1/2 Pint/236 mL (16), N/A, 11.5 oz/325 mL (EA)


Clear, N/A

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Product Details

DEFT® Interior Clear Brushing Lacquer is the trusted brand for an outstanding, fast drying, and easy-to-use finish for any interior wood project. Today’s professionals and enthusiasts alike continue to appreciate its “forgiving nature” and resistance to brush marks, as well as its crystal clear finish and fast drying time.


  • Delivers the Professional Look of Fine Furniture
  • Enriches Finished or Unfinished Wood
  • Fast Drying and Easy Application Makes 1-Day Finishing Possible

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Code Finish Base Sizes Download
DFT010 Clear Clear Finish Gallon/3.78 L (01), Quart/946 mL (04), 5 Gallons/18.9 L (05), Pint/473 mL (08)
DFT010S Clear Clear Finish 1/2 Pint/236 mL (16)
DFT011 Clear Clear Finish Gallon/3.78 L (01), Quart/946 mL (04), 5 Gallons/18.9 L (05)
DFT011 N/A N/A N/A
DFT011S Clear Clear Finish 1/2 Pint/236 mL (16)
DFT014C Clear Clear Finish Quart/946 mL (04)
DFT017 Clear Clear Finish Gallon/3.78 L (01), Quart/946 mL (04), 5 Gallons/18.9 L (05), Pint/473 mL (08)
DFT017S Clear Clear Finish 1/2 Pint/236 mL (16)
DFT018CS Clear Clear Finish 11.5 oz/325 mL (EA)
  • US National AIM